The 2019 Australian Startup Scene

Source: Limelight People

The 2019 Australian Startup Scene. Global recognition, incubators and increased investor confidence heralds a healthier future. Looking at the startup scene in Australia today, ‘snowballing’ is the first word that comes to mind. There’s more going on than just that, though. Or more accurately, there’s been more going on than just a that for several years. Startup Muster carry out the most comprehensive annual survey of startups in Australia. They use criteria of scalability and market scope to identify relevant ventures and their 2018 figures paint a rosy picture for Australian startups. There was a 50% increase in the number of qualifying ventures between 2015 and 2018 – so what’s driving that? Upon closer examination, rather than just a boom, what we’re observing is a maturing environment for startups. As time has passed, an ecosystem has developed and created a more sustainable place where it’s easier for startups to emerge, and … Continued

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